“The Unpredictable Heart” by Moksha published by Partridge

The Unpredictable Heart: You May Be a VictimThe Unpredictable Heart: You May Be a Victim by MoKSh
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I give 4/ 10 stars to “The Unpredictable Heart” by Moksha published by Partridge.

This is supposed to be a love story. Title says “YOU MAY BE A VICTIM” which is prophetic. Indeed the readers are victims here of bad writing.

This is the story of Mrinav. In the beginning he sitting in front of his girlfriend Jiya waiting for his friend Jatin to come. Jatin has never been to a girls’ college and it is apparently a big deal for him to visit one. Then the story goes in flashback 7 years ago. Mrinav works in a call center and there are lots of friends. Many girls Neeti, Rati, Alka, Ankita etc come in his life. He is attracted to them but somehow never able to express himself. Thus he is forever alone. Finally he finds Jiya. What happens next and how he deals with heartbreaks is the story.

These is nothing new or exciting in the book. In the beginning Moksh says that these are real stories with the pinch of some exaggeration and ask us to put ourselves in Mrinav’s shoes and enjoy. I can neither put myself in his shoes nor enjoy the story. Losers like Mrinav are dime a dozen who falls for every damn girl who comes in their contact. They are in one sided love and when it is not reciprocated they go into depression.

To top it all English is bad. There are grammatical mistakes and Hindi is used liberally. Some examples:

1. The words from Jiya had pushed me on my back foot by seven years.
2. Could you please come out 2-3 steps from your house.
3. His heart has been brittle this time as well. It broke and, and this time it shattered him from within.
4. Spit your anger now.

Please read the acknowledgement and you will realize the origin of this Pandora’s box.

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